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Senin, 18 April 2011

Husain affirmed Bambang Involvement

MAKASSAR - Former members of the Parliament of South Sulawesi, Junaid Husain back mempetegas involvement Hospital Director (RS) Labuang Baji, Bambang Arya in cases of alleged beatings that happened early last April, in RS Labuang Baji. The assertion was made Husain after giving testimony as a victim in investigating Polrestabes Makassar, Monday, April 18. 
"Description of the investigator today I include when I report it was quite clear. Statement of directors that I would hit him, which triggered the reaction of his aides and other employees do the beating. So I think he's definitely involved," said Husain. 
In the examination of the victim which lasted about three hours, Hussain admitted received dozens of questions from investigators. The victim said, it only provides information about the chronological beatings they experienced. Uceng greeting akrap Husain revealed that in the event, the number of players who beat him are seen directly as much as two people. 
"But many other employees who do the beating in addition to the two people I saw. I am sure, the hospital director in particular aides knew all that," said Husain. 
Problem examination results the Stella Maris Hospital doctor who called the victim there is no physical abnormality was due to beatings, Hussain said that when examined for visa information by doctors, it already explained a complaint that is felt after beaten Bambang and his men. "In fact, I feel there are abnormalities in the myself," said Uceng. 
Uceng addition, police also took additional testimony of two witnesses namely Bahtiar and Annas. All three are examined in the same room. During the examination at the investigators, victims and witnesses, the victim is accompanied by several lawyers who are members of the victim advocacy team. 
Abdul Aziz, one of the lawyers who assist victims of mentioning that, the attitude Bambang next victim of hands indicated the intention that the defendant intended to do something. "If it is not denied by the victim, Mr Bambang's hand was definitely on the victim's face," said Aziz. 
Aziz also stressed that the reaction of aides and a number of hospital employees do Labuang Baji beating, nothing triggered a reaction from Bambang, especially when he said the victims would hit him. "If not him, there can be no reaction from other employees. So we think he's definitely involved in this case," he added. 

Upgraded to Investigation 
Kanit Idik I Satreskrim Polrestabes Makassar, AKPAKP Agus Khaerul a separate confirmed Polrestabes Makassar revealed that investigators have increased the status of this case from investigation to investigation. "To be sure, we've improved their status to the investigation," said Agus. 
When asked who the suspects as the increase in status, Agus has not been willing to reveal the suspect in this case. The reason, it still will call witnesses, especially from the hospital. "We'll provide," adds Agus. (hamsah umar) 

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